Bass Drum Accents in Chapin Section One

Bass Drum Accents in Chapin Section One. When I started practicing the Chapin Advanced Techniques for the Modern Drummer, my teacher told me NOT to use any bass drum until Section Four Hands and Feet pp. 34-51. Despite what is written in the preface to the book: “Though the bass drum is not written in these first exercises, it is assumed that the drummer will play straight four or two with the foot while practicing.” The reason for this, my teacher explained, was to not rely on the bass drum when playing the hands. So for years I have not added bass drum to Section One.

Chapin Advanced Techniques

Bass Drums Accents in Chapin Section One changes my approach to practicing with Advanced Techniques for the Modern Drummer. Now what I will do for Section One pp. 4-31 is add the bass drum WITH the snare drum on the ACCENTS. By doing this you play the bass drum and snare drum together. In Section Four you never play the bass drum and snare together. However, there are a number of times when it is musically appropriate to play them together. I think by practicing Section Four as written AND adding the bass drum on the accents in Section One you will develop improved coordinated independence.

12 Triplet Jazz Exercises

In Section Four C Hands and Feet, there are certain measures that stood out and presented special challenges. I have isolated and expanded some of them for my practice routine. Here are 12 Triplet Jazz Exercises that I frequently practice:

1st Example:

Bass Drum Chapin Advanced Techniques Exercise 1

2nd Example:

Bass Drum Chapin Advanced Techniques Exercise 2

3rd Example:

Bass Drum Chapin Advanced Techniques Exercise 3

4th Example:

Bass Drum Chapin Advanced Techniques Exercise 4

5th Example:

Bass Drum Chapin Advanced Techniques Exercise 5

6th Example:

Bass Drum Chapin Advanced Techniques Exercise 6

7th Example:

Bass Drum Chapin Advanced Techniques Exercise 7

8th Example:

Bass Drum Chapin Advanced Techniques Exercise 8

9th Example:

Bass Drum Chapin Advanced Techniques Exercise 9

10th Example:

Triplet Exercise 10

11th Example:

Triplet Exercise 11

12th Example:

Triplet Exercise 12

OPTION: These exercises can (should) also be done with a shuffle ride.

Shuffle Ride

You may also want to see: Drum Set Method Book Recommendations